Hinged glass door for saunas
Choice of glass doors for sauna : Hinged Glass Door For Saunas
Quote from Article entitled Choice of glass doors for sauna:
Saunas and bathhouses have a very rich history of development; and as a result of it, they kept many ancient traditions in the modern epoch. For example, in tsarist Russia before washing in the Russian bath it was necessary to bow at the door, to expel the evil spirit. It was explained by the fact that the hot steam expelled the evil spirit, and with the cooling of the steam, the spirit was back there again. The expulsion of the spirit was accompanied by the purification of the soul of the person, receiving treatments, and the bow symbolized respect for the steam healing.Designers and builders report, that this bow was made due to the fact that the sizes of the doors were very small, and people bending down, passed through the doorway. The doors’ small size is explained by prevention from heat’s and steam’s loss.
The full version of the article can be found here.
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