Magnetic door latch

The mesmerizing pics below, is other parts of Magnetic Door Locks publishing which is listed within Locks, and published at September 15th, 2016 07:20:57 AM by adminz.
Magnetic door latch
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Magnetic Door Locks : Magnetic Door Latch

Quote from Article entitled Magnetic Door Locks:

A passive lock with a handle by own forces is installed on the same principle as a usual lock. For it the deepening in a leaf is made, and a handle is installed in the hole. In a door box the deepening of the tongue is made. By turning a knob a magnet and a latch are divided, and a door open easily.

The full version of the article can be found here.

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Repair of a magnetic lockDoor magnetic lockDoor magnetic lock systemMagnetic door catchFurniture Hardware MagneticMagnetic door latchElectromagnetic door lockModern maglockMortise magnetic lockRim magnetic lockElectromagnetic lockMagnetic door lock
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