Content: Glass doors for sauna and theirs advantages; Variety of glass doors; Installation of swing glass door; At what points it is necessary to pay attention during the purchase. Saunas and bathhouses have a very rich history of development; and as a result of it, they kept many ancient traditions in the modern epoch. For example, in tsarist Russia before washing in the Russian bath it was necessary to […]
October 5, 2016 ≈ Choice of Doors, Installation, Interior Doors, Tips ≈ No Comments ≈
Instead of the traditional doors in an interior, you can use curtains on a doorway. This design has its advantages and disadvantages. In addition, it should be noted that there are many variations of curtains for doors, so you can choose the most suitable for any style of interior. Advantages and disadvantages Decorative curtains for the doorway are mainly used as a self-completion, without a door leaf. This variant […]
January 3, 2017 ≈ Decor ≈ No Comments ≈
Nowadays different European styles of kitchen design are catching on fast, in contrast to those classic that are very common in other countries. More and more people opt for wonderful Provence interiors. Let's find out why it is so popular! This style has its name from Provence - the southeast region of France. It absorbed all the charm of Cote d'Azur coastal towns: light contours, simplicity of materials, as well […]
September 30, 2017 ≈ Kitchen Styles ≈ No Comments ≈
When choosing a padlock, as well as any other locking mechanism, the main criterion is its reliability. To select the most reliable one and determine which model is the most suitable for a particular case one should consider in detail the types and structure of padlocks. Such locks are mainly used for household needs. There are many classification criteria, but the above are the most important and worth paying attention […]
February 5, 2017 ≈ Locks ≈ No Comments ≈
How to decorate the door to the New Year is a question which becomes relevant long before the holiday. Despite the fact that rooms of a house are often designed in the last week of December, people prepare for this event beforehand. It is necessary to purchase a new decor, to think over its placement. By the way, you can make some kind of decorations by your own forces. […]
December 26, 2016 ≈ Decor ≈ No Comments ≈
Standard Door Widths For Different Constructions When it comes to house construction, doors are without a doubt among the most important to consider, having them perfectly fitted and installed is detrimental to ensuring that those accessing the building have and easy time getting around. One of the most important measurements while working with door construction and installation is the width. If the house door width is gotten wrong, chances are […]
February 17, 2017 ≈ How to, Installation, Tips ≈ No Comments ≈