Black interior door with white walls and light floor

Interior with Dark Doors and Light Floor

Table of contents: Nuances of preferences Contrast is justified choice of designers Choice of color   Choice of colors is based on a combination of shades of all parts of a room (doors, floors, walls and furniture). But it is not a established rule but a common view of things. So do not hesitate to purchase bright unexpected elements that extraordinary fit in an interior. The only thing with what […]

Soundproof a door apartment

How to soundproof bedroom and apartment door

Soundproofing Tips For Bedroom And Apartment Doors In a world where technology allows everyone access to your business and personal affairs, it is safe to say that peace and privacy are priceless. The last thing you want when you get home is to deal with other people’s noise and fracas or having to worry about inconveniencing others with your own activities. Besides, what happens behind closed doors is your business- […]

Fire rated wood external doors with glass

External Fire Doors – Features, Purpose And Installation Tips For The Beginner

One of the greatest risks during fire emergencies is having the fire spread uncontrollably. It can put people at risk of becoming trapped inside a burning building. That is why an investing in an external fire door, which prevents spread of fire, smoke and gas - is a guarantee of your safety. Below is all the information you need to know about these life savers: construction, installation, importance and tips […]

Christmas wreath from decorative paper on the door

Make a New Year Wreath on a Door with your own hands

To decorate your house in an original way, you can make a Christmas wreath on a door with your own hands. For this purpose, a variety of materials from natural plants to artificial objects and products, which are suitable for human consumption, are used. The final look of a product depends only on the imagination of a master.   A wreath is a symbol of winter holidays If you want to […]

Curtain as a door

Decorative Curtains in Doorways by your own hands: Ideas and Techniques

Instead of the traditional doors in an interior, you can use curtains on a doorway. This design has its advantages and disadvantages. In addition, it should be noted that there are many variations of curtains for doors, so you can choose the most suitable for any style of interior.   Advantages and disadvantages Decorative curtains for the doorway are mainly used as a self-completion, without a door leaf. This variant […]

Chrome door knobs

Chrome Door Knobs Guide

All You Need To Know About Chrome Door Knobs. When it comes to home décor and accessorization, it is the small details that matter the most. Take door knobs for instance. The size, design and material you choose will make a huge difference in how the door appears and how the entire set-up fits in with the room’s décor theme. However, in this case there are materials that you can […]

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