Painting doors photos

What type of paint to use for staining interior doors

Table of contents: What kind of paint should be used while painting the door; The procedure of painting the door; How to paint the door properly;   Painting internal doors can not only renew and refresh the interior, but also protects the door from the negative influence of external factors. While choosing the paint for interior doors, keep in mind that stained surface must be practical and at the same […]

The metalplastic door to the bathroom and toilet

Choosing doors for the bathroom and toilet

Contents: What material is better for the door in the bathroom? Possible constructions of the doors in the bathroom and toilet Accessories Color And Decor   Bathroom and toilet are quite specific rooms, Requirements for the doors in these rooms are also special:  Presence of moisture and steam requires the installation of the moisture resistant door designs; Doors should be tight, avoid leaking out smells and sounds; An important requirement […]

Modern sliding doors

Types of sliding interior doors

Table of contents: Functions of sliding interior doors; Dimensions of the sliding interior doors;   While starting repairs, everyone has to solve a lot of problems. The choice of sliding interior doors is one of them. Sliding doors differ from the conventional swing doors in the way they open. They also require considerably less space. The door panel hanged on a sliding mechanism, on the rollers, moves along the guideway. […]

External fire escape doors

External Fire Doors – Features, Purpose And Installation Tips For The Beginner

One of the greatest risks during fire emergencies is having the fire spread uncontrollably. It can put people at risk of becoming trapped inside a burning building. That is why an investing in an external fire door, which prevents spread of fire, smoke and gas - is a guarantee of your safety. Below is all the information you need to know about these life savers: construction, installation, importance and tips […]

Chair covers – kitchen country style

Country-Style Kitchens

We continue to review the options for country style decorating. Next in turn today is a country style kitchen, the interiors of which contain features of many other eminent styles (as you can see it on the photos below). Besides, they are not restricted by any rules of decoration. You can see it with the naked eye that the country style has much in common with the English style, Mediterranean […]

Decorating doors for Christmas – the Door in the form of a snowman.

New Year Door Decoration: Ideas and Techniques

How to decorate the door to the New Year is a question which becomes relevant long before the holiday. Despite the fact that rooms of a house are often designed in the last week of December, people prepare for this event beforehand. It is necessary to purchase a new decor, to think over its placement. By the way, you can make some kind of decorations by your own forces.   […]

How to soundproof bedroom door

How to soundproof bedroom and apartment door

Soundproofing Tips For Bedroom And Apartment Doors In a world where technology allows everyone access to your business and personal affairs, it is safe to say that peace and privacy are priceless. The last thing you want when you get home is to deal with other people’s noise and fracas or having to worry about inconveniencing others with your own activities. Besides, what happens behind closed doors is your business- […]

interior sliding french doors Asian Medium –

Interior French Doors with glass

Interior French doors with glass have long been popular among homeowners around the world, and it’s not surprising why that is. They are a good example of how it’s not only possible to have beautiful exterior doors, but also stunning interior doors, which is something just as important, but not necessarily something that may cross your mind at first. A door may seem like a simple object used to connect […]

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