Steel Double Cylinder Door Lock

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Steel Double Cylinder Door Lock
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What is a double cylinder door lock? : Steel Double Cylinder Door Lock

Quote from Article entitled What is a double cylinder door lock?:

Having answered the question on what a double lock cylinder is, the next thing to determine if they indeed walk the talk. The benefits are numerous, which is why these locks are bestsellers all over the world. Why should you make them your choice to secure your premises? Without further ado, below are three key benefits of double cylinder door locks that you have to look forward to.

They are resistant to most lock manipulation techniques

This is without a doubt the number one perk of working with double cylinder deadbolt locks. The design makes it impossible to access the lock through many techniques used by lock pickers. One of this is good old fashioned brute force. This may work on spring bolt locks but is utterly useless on double cylinder locks. Another commonly used technique is lock picking which is basically impossible with these locks. In addition to benefits over other lock designs, the double cylinder deadbolt lock offers one main advantage over the single cylinder variety. This is the fact that it prevent door opening from the inside in the event that access is gained through a window or other entryway.

They are strong and therefore durable

The brand and design quality has a large bearing on the lock’s strength and durability. However, double cylinder door locks are considerably stronger and tend to last longer than most other lock designs available. This is due to the basic simple yet effective design that protects the lock from both manual manipulation and inevitable deterioration.

They are versatile in terms of applicability

The third most important benefit that they bring to the table is flexibility. With the amazing security benefit offered, it goes without saying that you can use these locks anywhere. They are of course best applied in the residential setting where there is risk of gaining access into the building through another avenue. In this case, you can rest assured that the criminal will not be able to let their comrades in. They are also very useful in commercial building settings with the strength and security offered by the lock being perfect backup for automated security systems.

The full version of the article can be found here.

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