Horseshoe charm for good luck

The mesmerizing image below, is part of How to hang a Horseshoe over a Door publishing which is classified within Decor, and published at January 4th, 2017 07:38:16 AM by adminz.
Horseshoe charm for good luck
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How to hang a Horseshoe over a Door : Horseshoe Charm For Good Luck

Quote from Article entitled How to hang a Horseshoe over a Door:

How to hang a horseshoe over a door? Usually it is fixed above an upper frame. It is right to hang a horseshoe with horns down outside. Thus it protects your house against the penetration of evil forces, which can not pass through iron. Even the devil himself will not be able to get inside, as he can not pass circle before reaching the end of a horseshoe, he returns to the beginning. This protective function is given priority in this case. Drooping of horns of a horseshoe down symbolizes a bowl, which takes all the negative thoughts and evil desires of those who crosses a threshold of a house. This bad energy does not accumulate in a subject, but on the contrary, it is banished, as if it flows down.

The full version of the article can be found here.

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Photo Gallery of the How to hang a Horseshoe over a Door

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