Lighting in the kitchen in the Italian style – Stylized antique chandeliers
Italian Kitchen Decor – the charm of tradition : Lighting In The Kitchen In The Italian Style Stylized Antique Chandeliers
Quote from Article entitled Italian Kitchen Decor – the charm of tradition:
Choosing a color for kitchen design, give your preference to rich, natural colors. Deep blue color of Italian sky and sea and different tinges of green, which the Tuscan hills can boastof. Lavender shade of blooming meadows and bright splashes of wildflowers. An elegant feeling and sense of warmth can be achieved by using saturated red, orange and yellow colors in the interior. Dark wood color is a color of old olive trees, oak trees and grapevines, whileblood red and burgundy colors will inevitably remindyou famous Italian wines.
The full version of the article can be found here.