Sliding door
Types of sliding interior doors : Sliding Door
Quote from Article entitled Types of sliding interior doors:
Sliding interior doors do not only look elegant in the interior of any apartment, but also obtain greater popularity in the interior due to practically full absence of disadvantages. Nevertheless, there are some negative moments. Moreover, it is better to know about them before installing sliding interior doors.
Specially provided free gap between the door and its frame facilitates the unhampered movement of the door in necessary directions. It decreases sound and heat insulation and containment. If the sliding door separates the kitchen from the resting area, it means that all the smells will be distributed on the whole space of apartments (the only exceptions are such variants of sliding doors as roto-door or pocket door).In case of careless installation or poor quality of the door leaf the sliding doors will not be permanent and reliable (but such incidents can happen with swing doors as well).The types of opening the sliding doors
The full version of the article can be found here.
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