Sliding oak fire door
What You Need to Know about Oak Fire Doors : Sliding Oak Fire Door
Quote from Article entitled What You Need to Know about Oak Fire Doors :
Fire doors are made from different construction and material types, and the only way they can be classified is in terms of their ability to withstand fire. In order to determine their fire rating, they are subjected to the BS 476 Part 22 test (equal to the European BS EN 1634), which is used to measure the duration of time a particular door can be able to resist fire spreading in between areas and preventing the spread of flames, smoke and fumes. This leads to the classification of doors as FD30 or FD60. An FD30 door means it can withstand fire for duration of 30 minutes while the FD60 can be able to withstand the fire for 60 minutes. Oak fire doors are capable of withstanding fire for a long duration of time and hence satisfy the official tests well and most of them have a fire rating of FD30 and FD60 depending on their total thickness. These doors are consistent in their fire resistance credentials and this feature remains overwhelmingly attractive to most customers.
The full version of the article can be found here.