Laminated door in the bathroom
Choosing doors for the bathroom and toilet : Laminated Door In The Bathroom
Quote from Article entitled Choosing doors for the bathroom and toilet:
If the problem "how to choose the door for the bathroom" is solved, it's time to think about the accessories. Naturally, the toilet and the bathroom should be closed, so the fittings include a handle and a fixing device. Qualitative door handles must have an iron core inside them. It is determined by the weight of the handle: iron is much heavier than, let’s say, a fragile silumin, used to make cores of cheap Chinese handles. The tight and stiff spring says about the good quality of the handle too, when you turn the knob, it operates elastically and free from backlash. There are handles with lock. It is the most economical choice, but such handles are not always reliable. It is much better when the handle and the lock are set separately, but sold as a set.
The full version of the article can be found here.