Interior glass door knobs
Glass Door Knobs : Interior Glass Door Knobs
Quote from Article entitled Glass Door Knobs:
They seem to look irrelevant at first, but at second glance, having a nice doorknob to enter your home is a great decorative for the outside. It’s as good as a used home part as a marble kitchen countertop. Doorknobs tend to be bland with the metallic brass or steel shanks, so having one made of glass is a look of amenity for the house. Glass doorknobs have a clear look that stands out like a diamond, although it’s not that sharp or shiny. It can be circular, like a crystal ball, or it can be multisided, from four to twelve sides. There are almost one hundred different patterns for glass doorknobs. A lot of people prefer the vintage styled doorknobs, which costs extra, but for those with a taste for design, they won’t mind.
The full version of the article can be found here.
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