Thermal impact for wood aging – firing method
How to age wood at home : Thermal Impact For Wood Aging Firing Method
Quote from Article entitled How to age wood at home:
If you want to give your wood the appearance of having been eaten by worms over many decades, you can try to give it wormholes yourself. But it can be performed before the final processing. Hammer or screw the drywall nails into the 2x4 completely so that their ends stick through the bottom of your makeshift hammer. Next, strike the piece of wood with your wormhole hammer repeatedly, creating small puncture marks. Some items, such as a ceiling beam; you can handle the axe, just making marks. The process of aging is characterized by the fact that a lot was left to the mercy of the master, enabling him to use his imagination in work.
The full version of the article can be found here.
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