White interior doors with oak trim

White Interior Doors in Apartment Design

Table of contents: What is special about white doors How popular are white interior doors in design To choose doors with glass or without it   Work on interior design enables each designer to create true masterpieces of modern interior art. A right choice not only of decoration of a room but also doors and windows is important and very urgent task on which the result depends. And often, wrong […]

Sauna glass door

Choice of glass doors for sauna

Content: Glass doors for sauna and theirs advantages; Variety of glass doors; Installation of swing glass door; At what points it is necessary to pay attention during the purchase.   Saunas and bathhouses have a very rich history of development; and as a result of it, they kept many ancient traditions in the modern epoch. For example, in tsarist Russia before washing in the Russian bath it was necessary to […]

Dismantling of interior doors with their hands

Arch in Kitchen: Types and Installation

Table of contents: A kitchen arch instead of a door Importance of a kitchen arch in the context of the indoor message Utility of plasterboard Pre-planning Choice of an arch style Combination of a kitchen arch with a bar counter The construction of an arch by own forces using plasterboard   Arch is one of the oldest architectural techniques, a unique shape design which allowed to leave its imprint virtually […]

Country Style Kitchen Design Ideas

Country-Style Kitchens

We continue to review the options for country style decorating. Next in turn today is a country style kitchen, the interiors of which contain features of many other eminent styles (as you can see it on the photos below). Besides, they are not restricted by any rules of decoration. You can see it with the naked eye that the country style has much in common with the English style, Mediterranean […]

Euro Double Cylinder Lock

What is a double cylinder door lock?

Introduction As far as security is concerned, there is no denying the fact that you can never go wrong with good old fashioned door locks. Whether it is a lock for your tool shed or one for the office back door, these simple and traditional forms of security offer great benefits when applied correctly. After all, the goal is to protect your investment, ensure your privacy, and you want to […]

Double door size

How to Measure a Door? What is standard door width?

Standard Door Widths For Different Constructions When it comes to house construction, doors are without a doubt among the most important to consider, having them perfectly fitted and installed is detrimental to ensuring that those accessing the building have and easy time getting around. One of the most important measurements while working with door construction and installation is the width. If the house door width is gotten wrong, chances are […]

Interior bifold french doors with glass

Interior French Doors with glass

Interior French doors with glass have long been popular among homeowners around the world, and it’s not surprising why that is. They are a good example of how it’s not only possible to have beautiful exterior doors, but also stunning interior doors, which is something just as important, but not necessarily something that may cross your mind at first. A door may seem like a simple object used to connect […]

Horseshoe charm for good luck

How to hang a Horseshoe over a Door

If you decide to get a talisman, you will be interested to know how to hang a horseshoe over a door. This thing is covered with a variety of myths and superstitions. It is believed that it will bring good luck and protection against evil forces. But how to make all these features of talisman truly come into force?   What does a Horseshoe mean? It is a quite interesting […]

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