Electromagnetic lock

The remarkable digital photography below, is section of Magnetic Door Locks editorial which is arranged within Locks, and posted at September 15th, 2016 07:10:27 AM by adminz.
Electromagnetic lock
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Magnetic Door Locks : Electromagnetic Lock

Quote from Article entitled Magnetic Door Locks:

It is worth noting the following disadvantages:

The need for uninterrupted power supply;large mass and size;easy re-intrusion.

Without electricity an electromagnetic lock opens and stops to fulfill its functions. This is both an advantage and disadvantage. Locking devices on the doors during a power cutoff should open according to the fire safety requirements in shopping malls, large offices and other areas with large crowds. But this leads to decrease of safety and causes penetration of intruders when installed in doors of entrances hallway and apartments. Therefore, the scheme of connection of handles often provides uninterruptible power supply.

The full version of the article can be found here.

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Repair of a magnetic lockDoor magnetic lockDoor magnetic lock systemMagnetic door catchFurniture Hardware MagneticMagnetic door latchElectromagnetic door lockModern maglockMortise magnetic lockRim magnetic lockElectromagnetic lockMagnetic door lock
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