Furniture Hardware Magnetic
Magnetic Door Locks : Furniture Hardware Magnetic
Quote from Article entitled Magnetic Door Locks:
A rim magnetic lock. It is easier to install it by own hands than a mortise one. A strike is attached to a door leaf by means of special fasteners which are supplied with the lock. The setting out scheme is glued to the installation site and holes for fastening are drilled. Their size is described in the accompanying documentation to a lock. A rubber edge lies between a plate and a door. It is not necessary to fasten a strike; it should be slightly springy because of a edge which sets up correct and free magnetizing to a lock.A lock itself is fastened by own forces with the help of corner. Depending on the material of the door and the way it opens corners of various shapes are used. After the operation, the device must be connected to power supply and checked. The connection scheme is packed.
A mortise magnetic lock. It is installed in specially made for him deepening. On the wooden doors it is easy to make it by own hand using a chisel or a router. In a metal door they need to be provided at a stage of its manufacture. After installation, it must also be, as a rim lock, connected to power supply and checked for availability.
The full version of the article can be found here.
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