Fire rooster – symbol of new year 2017

The astounding pics below, is segment of New Year Door Decoration: Ideas and Techniques piece of writing which is sorted within Decor, and posted at December 26th, 2016 07:06:07 AM by adminz.
Fire rooster – symbol of new year 2017
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    Fire rooster – symbol of new year 2017

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New Year Door Decoration: Ideas and Techniques : Fire Rooster Symbol Of New Year 2017

Quote from Article entitled New Year Door Decoration: Ideas and Techniques:

How else to decorate a front door for New Year? You can hang a bell on it. This refers to a new type of decoration. To make this ornament with your own hands you need cardboard, thread, and other little things for decoration.

Cut the cardboard to form the bell.Glue it and wrap by thread, for example, red and gold one.Sprinkle with glitter varnish.At the top make a hole and thread a ribbon, tie in a bow.Decorate it also with small toys, pine branches, berries and other small items at your choice.At the top make a loop, to make it convenient to hang a bell on a door.

New Year bells can be crocheted

The full version of the article can be found here.

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Photo Gallery of the New Year Door Decoration: Ideas and Techniques

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