Wooden wedges

The extraordinary photograph below, is part of What gap is needed between door, floor and frame written piece which is assigned within Installation, and published at November 21st, 2016 12:14:54 PM by adminz.
Wooden wedges
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What gap is needed between door, floor and frame : Wooden Wedges

Quote from Article entitled What gap is needed between door, floor and frame:

What gap should be left, when it comes to the standard door leaf by height of 200 cm and by width from 60 to 90 cm? In such cases, it is usual to leave the required gaps by width up to 5 mm. And it is usually sufficient to have 3 mm gaps. It is more effective to leave 4 mm and more for rooms with high humidity and for doors made from materials absorbing well moisture.

The full version of the article can be found here.

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Photo Gallery of the What gap is needed between door, floor and frame

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