Modern maglock

Magnetic Door Locks

Table of contents: The types of magnetic locks; Principle of operation; Advantages and disadvantages; Installation of a passive lock (magnetic door catch); Installation of a electromagnetic lock; Repair of a magnetic lock.   Making repairs in a room and changing doors, it is worth considering a lock which will be installed on them. Magnetic locks are increasingly preferred. They are installed both on front and on interior doors.   Types of […]

Architectural arch in the kitchen in interior design

Arch in Kitchen: Types and Installation

Table of contents: A kitchen arch instead of a door Importance of a kitchen arch in the context of the indoor message Utility of plasterboard Pre-planning Choice of an arch style Combination of a kitchen arch with a bar counter The construction of an arch by own forces using plasterboard   Arch is one of the oldest architectural techniques, a unique shape design which allowed to leave its imprint virtually […]

Water-emulsion water-dispersive paint for doors

What type of paint to use for staining interior doors

Table of contents: What kind of paint should be used while painting the door; The procedure of painting the door; How to paint the door properly;   Painting internal doors can not only renew and refresh the interior, but also protects the door from the negative influence of external factors. While choosing the paint for interior doors, keep in mind that stained surface must be practical and at the same […]

The color and decoration of doors in bathroom and toilet

Choosing doors for the bathroom and toilet

Contents: What material is better for the door in the bathroom? Possible constructions of the doors in the bathroom and toilet Accessories Color And Decor   Bathroom and toilet are quite specific rooms, Requirements for the doors in these rooms are also special:  Presence of moisture and steam requires the installation of the moisture resistant door designs; Doors should be tight, avoid leaking out smells and sounds; An important requirement […]

Types of sliding interior doors

Types of sliding interior doors

Table of contents: Functions of sliding interior doors; Dimensions of the sliding interior doors;   While starting repairs, everyone has to solve a lot of problems. The choice of sliding interior doors is one of them. Sliding doors differ from the conventional swing doors in the way they open. They also require considerably less space. The door panel hanged on a sliding mechanism, on the rollers, moves along the guideway. […]

Sanding wooden door before applying the stain

How to paint a door with your own hands

Table of contents: Types of paint for doors, how to choose; Recommendations for choosing colors; Preparing the canvas for painting; Working tools; Painting doors: all the peculiarities; Making repairs in a house or an apartment, you should think about the restoration of the old doors. This is especially true for wooden products made from solid wood of valuable species. If interior doors are made of fiberboard or MDF (Medium Density […]


Veneer doors, what is it?

What is a wood veneer and its application scope Benefits of veneered products Types of veneers and qualitative features Laminated or veneered doors - which is better   It happens very often that those people, who make repairs with their own hands, collect useful information  on it from consultants, stores or ordinary citizens who already have such an experience, hear advice to buy veneer doors or finishing materials from veneer. […]

Painting doors

Methods of decorative finishing of interior doors

The final cost depends on a way of decoration, so if you break your head over how to choose interior doors at affordable cost, take it step carefully. According to the method of decoration doors are divided into: veneered; laminated; painted.   Veneered doors Veneer is a decorative coating which can be natural, reconstructed or of deciduous fast-growing species. Technology is as follows: thin slices of wood are attached to […]

Sanding wood interior and exterior doors

How to age wood at home

Contents list: Chemicals for aging wood Thermal impact for aging wood Alternative methods to get the old effect Make the piece of furniture a few decades older than it is in just a few minutes by using a metal brush. The point of this method is that this tool allows you to remove the soft fibers, which obscure the rings growth. These rings are precisely to create a perception that […]

Patio swing doors

How to choose Patio & Sliding Doors – Buying Guide

What are the differences between Patio doors, French doors and sliding doors? Patio doors can be single-paned and multiple-paned, in-swinging, out-swinging, and much more. The main distinction between sliding and patio doors is that sliders glide and patio doors swing. A sliding door usually has one stationary panel and a corresponding panel that slides sideways in top and bottom tracks. As a rule, patio door has a pair of doors […]

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